Log into SSH.
Run the CyberPanel installation script:
sh <(curl https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh || wget -O - https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh)
Type “1” and Enter to confirm installation.
Choose “1” to install CyberPanel with openlitespeed. Remember, you’ll need a LiteSpeed Enterprise license for the Enterprise version.
Choose “Y” to install “full service for CyberPanel” – PowerDNS server, Postfix mail transfer agent (MTA), and Pure-FTPd server.
Choose “N” to skip remote MySQL setup and continue with local MySQL server setup.
Choose the latest MySQL version unless you’ll be importing a database that requires a specific, older version.
Choose “s” to set an admin password.
Type and confirm your admin password.
Choose whether to install Memcached and its PHP extension. You can always install this later if you don’t need it right now.
Decide whether to install Redis and its PHP extension. Again, you can install this post-installation.
Choose whether to install WatchDog, currently in beta, which automatically reboots downed systems with software errors. If you’re on a production system and unsure about this, we recommend denying this.
The installation may take up to ten minutes. Afterwards, save the auto-generated LiteSpeed WebAdmin console password and Rainloop Webmail admin password in a password manager. The admin username for each login is “admin.”
Ubuntu users must choose “N” when asked to reboot the system.
CentOS, AlmaLinux, and other Enterprise-based distro users may select “Y” and continue to the next section.
(Ubuntu users) Due to Ubuntu-specific issues, you’ll need to stop and disable Firewalld:
Reboot now